Medical Facilities
Knowing where you can go to see a doctor is important and the Town of Carney is happy to provide you with contact information for doctors and nearby medical facilities located in town or nearby. Please take a look at the information below for contact and location information starting with our local family clinic and the 3 closest hospitals.
Contact Info
Dorothy M Smith Family Medical Center-CHCI
Carney Community Health Center
105 E. Santa Fe, Carney, OK 74832
Visit Website
Stillwater Medical Center
1323 W 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK 74074
Visit Website
Cushing Hospital
Hillcrest Hospital
1027 E Cherry St, Cushing, OK 74023
Visit Website
Stroud Regional
2308 W Highway 66, Stroud, OK 74079
Visit Website

Check Out Our Local Medical Provider Listings